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E-Mail Profiles

Open the E-Mail Profiles dialog to create and manage profiles for automatically sending images in e-mails.

You need to create at least one profile that you can select in the Time Tasks or Messaging dialogs for sending images via e-mail.

Using the MOBOTIX Camera for Sending E-Mails

The MOBOTIX camera can send images via e-mail to recipients to report e.g. unauthorized access to a specific area.

You may define one or multiple e-mail profiles. Every e-mail profile contains all the information required to send e-mails to one address. The transfer can be triggered either by a task defined in the Time Tasks dialog or by an event defined in the Messaging dialog

You can enter any text and use predefined variables, as described in Examples for Dynamic Text in Subject Lines.

Global Options and Profile Options

This dialog contains global options that can be used in all profiles and profile options only valid for the respective profile.

It is recommended to use the global options for entering frequently used parameters (e.g. SMTP Server, Authentication Method, User Name and Password). Leave the corresponding fields empty in the profiles in which you would like to use the global values.

Profiles & Options

Note: Click on the More button at the bottom of the dialog to display all options for all profiles.

Set the following parameters for each profile in the E-Mail Profiles dialog:

Option Description
Mail Profile n

Enter a unique profile name.

You can select the profiles defined in this dialog in the Time Tasks and Messaging dialogs in order to send e-mails time- or event-controlled, respectively.

Receiver Address

Enter the recipient's address to which the e-mail will be sent.


From Address

Enter the sender's (valid!) address. Otherwise, the e-mail cannot be sent.


Reply Address If an error occurs, the e-mail will be sent to this address. Normally, you would enter the address of either your administrator or a camera user.
Subject Text This text will be displayed in the subject line of the e-mail. For some examples of how this option can be used, see the Examples for Dynamic Text in Subject Lines help page.
ip-message This text will be displayed in the text area for the e-mail. You can also use dynamic text containing Variables and Placeholders.

Select the desired type of data you would like to transfer:

  • No attachment: No data are attached to the e-mail.
  • Image from image profile: Transfers an image according to a profile defined in the Image Profiles dialog.
  • MxPEG or JPEG clip: Transfers image data as MxPEG clip with audio or JPEG files.
  • Image information (JPEG comment): Transmits the image information of the current live image as it is written into the header of the JPEG image.
  • System messages: Transmits the system messages of the sending camera.
  • Web Server Log: Transfers the Web Server Logfile of the camera.
E-Mail Attachment:
Image from image profile

For every FTP profile, you can use a specific image format that is independent of the image format currently displayed by the camera. These formats are saved in the camera as image profiles.

Select one of the image profiles defined in the Image Profiles dialog.


If MxPEG has been activated in the camera, the frame rate will be reduced for ten seconds if an image is pulled from the camera using one of the image profiles.

E-Mail Attachment:
MxPEG or JPEG clip

Select the file format of the image files:

  • MxPEG clip file: Transmits the image data as MxPEG clips with audio.
  • Clip as JPEG file(s): Transmits the image data as single JPEG files.

Set the desired Clip Frame Rate and the time to include before and after the event(Time Before and Time After).

Note: The frame rate set in these boxes depends on a number of factors (e.g. the processor load at the time of the event) and may not reach the set frame rate.
E-Mail Attachment:
System Messages

Select the System Message Scope to include the desired range of system messages.

Authentication Method

The following possibilities for authentication are supported:

  • No authentication
  • SMTP login with user and password at the SMTP server
  • Authentication with POP3 server before sending
SMTP Server

IP address or name of the e-mail server. Your Internet provider or administrator will provide this information.

Make sure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

  • The Ethernet Interface and the Gateway in particular need to be configured correctly.
  • When using a symbolic name (e.g., you have to specify a DNS server in the Ethernet Interface dialog.
  • Your LAN's firewall has to be configured in a way that the camera is allowed to send e-mails.
POP3 Server If you have set the Authentication Method parameter to POP before SMTP, you need to enter the respective POP3 server here.
Login User Name

Enter the user name for logging on to the SMTP server.

You will be assigned a user name either by your Internet provider or by your system administrator.

Note: This parameter will only be shown if one of the authentication methods SMTP login or POP before SMTP has been selected.
Login Password

Enter the password for logging on to the SMTP server.

You will be assigned a password either by your Internet provider or by your system administrator.

Note: This parameter will only be shown if one of the authentication methods SMTP login or POP before SMTP has been selected.

Testing Profiles

If you have created or modified one or more profiles, you should test the profiles (after you have closed the dialog using the Set and Close buttons and you have stored the configuration permanently). Open the Test Current Network Configuration dialog for testing. Click on the Transfer button behind the corresponding profile and monitor the output on the Network Test Log window. For additional information on this topic, see the Test Network Current Configuration help page.

Deleting Profiles

In order to delete a profile, check the Delete option in the top right corner of the profile. The profile will be deleted as soon as you click on the Set button in the lower part of the dialog.

Saving Created Profiles

Click on the Set button to check the created profiles. If a profile is faulty or entries are missing, you will be prompted to correct or complete your entries for this profile. If no errors have been detected, the profile is stored temporarily.


Examples for Dynamic Text in Subject Lines

Using variables and placeholders, the camera can dynamically integrate information into the e-mails it is sending out.

Scenario 1 The camera's dynamic IP address assigned by either the provider or by a DHCP server is supposed to be transferred in the subject line.
Definition of subject line $(id.nam): Event=$(fpr.eno) IP=$(ID.ET0)
$(id.nam) Name of the camera
$(fpr.eno) Event number
$(ID.ET0) IP address that the camera obtained from a DHCP server


Scenario 2 In an outdoor setting, the state of the signal input (external sensor) should be visible in the e-mail subject line.
Definition of subject line $(id.nam): Internal PIR=$(SEN.PIR)% Signal Input=$(SEN.SIN)
$(id.nam) Name of the camera
$(SEN.PIR) Internal PIR level in percent
$(SEN.SIN) State of the signal input

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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